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Solo CFLink Protocol

The following documentation is for the Solo device CFLink protocol messages.
Note that the Solo does NOT feature an on-board CFLink port, but it still uses the same protocol for communication over Ethernet.

The Solo has IR ports, for which documentation is available in the IR Port docs.
Note: To send IR signals via the on-board blaster, you use the same IR Port commands described above, targetting P07 (Port 7).

The Solo has RS232 ports, for which documentation is available in the On-Board RS232 docs.


WHO - Device discovery

The WHO query is used to discover what device is at a specific address.
The WHO reply will be automatically broadcast as a notification to the network when a device is powered up or reset.


The WHO query does not have any associated data.


  • <APP_VER> = The firmware version running on the device.
  • <DEVICE_NAME> = A friendly name given to the device. By default this is simply SOLO, but you can name the device anything you desire for your identification purposes.
  • <CARD_1> = The model number of the card that is plugged into expansion slot 1. This will report BLANK if no card is detected.
  • <CARD_2> = The model number of the card that is plugged into expansion slot 2. This will report BLANK if no card is detected.


CFG - Query Configuration

The CFG query is used to obtain details about the configuration of a specific Solo unit.


The CFG query does not have any associated data.


  • <IPADDRESS> = The IPv4 address the Solo is currently assigned.
  • <SUBNETMASK> = The IPv4 subnet mask the Solo is currently assigned.
  • <GATEWAY> = The IPv4 gateway the Solo is currently assigned.
  • <DNS> = The IPv4 DNS the Solo is currently assigned.
  • <DHCPMODE> = DHCP mode disabled or enabled (0 or 1).
  • <CONNECTIONS> = The number of connections currently active to the TCP Server on port 10207.


SLT - Query Slot Configuration

The Solo features 5 communication slots that can be used to connect to third party networked devices.
Each slot also has a dedicated bridging port, allowing TCP Clients (such as iPads, other control systems, etc) to send/receive data to the third part networked device. The SLT query returns the configuration of a specific communication slot.
If not slot number is given, then all slots will report their configuration in separate replies.


  • <SLOT#> = The communication slot number to request configuration from. Omit this to return configuration of all slots.


  • <SLOT#> = The communication slot number being described.
  • <MODE> = Disabled (default behaviour) OFF, TCP Client TCP, UDP Bi-directional UDP, UDP Transmit Only UDPT.
  • <IPADDRESS> = The IP Address assigned to the slot:
    • TCP Client = The IP Address of the TCP Server to connect to
    • UDP Bi-directional = The IP Address to send/received data to/from. Broadcast addresses can be used (eg. to send to everyone on the network).
    • UDP Transmit Only = The IP Address to send data to. Incoming packets are ignored.
  • <PORT> = The port number assigned to the slot (same rules apply as <IPADDRESS> above)
  • <TIMEOUT> = The time in seconds to hold a TCP connection open for without any data transmissions. 0 = Disable timeout. Minimum of 5 seconds to avoid network overhead. Maximum of 65535 seconds.
  • <RECONNECT> = Time to wait between connections attempts after a TCP disconnection. Default is 0 for immediate connection retry. Maximum of 65535 seconds.
  • <MAX_BRIDGE_SOCKETS> = The maximum number of incoming connections to the slots dedicated TCP Server (starting at port 10301 for slot 1, 10305 for slot 5). A maximum of 10 bridged connections can be statically shared between all 5 communication slots.
  • <NUM_BRIDGE_CONNECTIONS> = The number of clients currently connected to the dedicated bridging TCP Server. If all bridged sockets are in use, then no more clients will be able to connect.
  • <CONNECTED> = Whether or not the connection to the assigned IP Address and port has been established. UDP slots will always report a 1, whilst TCP slots will report that actual connection state.
  • <STARTUP_MACRO> = A macro to be fired each time the socket connection takes place. For TCP slots, this means each time a connection is established. For UDP this means each time the unit is given an IP Address (after reboot, etc). If left blank, no startup macro will be fired.


TME - Real Time Clock status

The TME query will return the current configuration of the real time clock on-board the Solo.


The TME query does not have any associated data.


  • <YEAR> = 4 digit year.
  • <MONTH> = 2 digit month (01-12).
  • <DATE> = 2 digit day (01-31).
  • <DAYOFWEEK> = 1 digit day of week. Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7 (1-7)
  • <HOUR> = 2 digit hour, in 24 hour military format (00-23)
  • <MINUTE> = 2 digit minute (00-59)
  • <SECOND> = 2 digit second (00-59)
  • <UTCTIMEZONE> = ID from Timezone Lookup Table (2 digits, 01-40)
  • <UTCTIMEZONESTR> = String representation of the timezone
  • <NTP_SYNC> = Whether or not the unit is configured to sync to a time server.
  • <NTP_SERVER_ID> = The time server that the unit is syncing to. Refer to list below.

Available time server IDs:

  • 1 =
  • 2 =
  • 3 =
  • 4 =
  • 5 =
  • 6 =
  • 7 =


Configuration Messages

CFG - Network Configuration

The CFG command will configure the network settings used by the Solo.
The changes will not take effect until the Solo is rebooted.


  • <IPADDRESS> = The IPv4 Address to assign to the Solo. It will be ignored if DHCP is enabled.
  • <SUBNETMASK> = The IPv4 Subnet Mask to assign to the Solo.
  • <GATEWAY> = The IPv4 Gateway to assign to the Solo.
  • <DNS> = The IPv4 DNS Server Address to assign to the Solo.
  • <DHCP> = DHCP mode enable/disable (1 or 0).
  • <UDP_BROADCAST_MODE> = UDP Broadcasting mode enable/disable (1 or 0).



SLT - Configure TCP Slot

The SLT (Slot) command is used to configure a communication slot on the Solo.
The change will not take effect until the Solo is rebooted.


  • <SLOT#> = The communication slot number to configure.
  • <MODE> = Disabled (default behaviour) OFF, TCP Client TCP, UDP Bi-directional UDP, UDP Transmit Only UDPT.
  • <IPADDRESS> = The IP Address to assign the slot:
    • TCP Client = The IP Address of the TCP Server to connect to
    • UDP Bi-directional = The IP Address to send/received data to/from. Broadcast addresses can be used (eg. to send to everyone on the network).
    • UDP Transmit Only = The IP Address to send data to. Incoming packets are ignored.
  • <PORT> = The port number to assign the slot (same rules apply as <IPADDRESS> above)
  • <TIMEOUT> = The time in seconds to hold a TCP connection open for without any data transmissions. 0 = Disable timeout. Minimum of 5 seconds to avoid network overhead. Maximum of 65535 seconds.
  • <RECONNECT> = Time to wait between connections attempts after a TCP disconnection. Default is 0 for immediate connection retry. Maximum of 65535 seconds.
  • <MAX_BRIDGE_SOCKETS> = The maximum number of incoming connections to the slots dedicated TCP Server (starting at port 10301 for slot 1, 10305 for slot 5). A maximum of 10 bridged connections can be statically shared between all 5 communication slots.
  • <STARTUP_MACRO> = A macro to be fired each time the socket connection takes place. For TCP slots, this means each time a connection is established. For UDP this means each time the unit is given an IP Address (after reboot, etc). If left blank, no startup macro will be fired. The macro name must exist already within the Solo macro configuration.



TME - Configure Real Time Clock

The TME command is used to set the time and date settings for the real time clock on-board the Solo.


  • <YEAR> = 4 digit year.
  • <MONTH> = 2 digit month (01-12).
  • <DATE> = 2 digit day (01-31).
  • <DAYOFWEEK> = 1 digit day of week. Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7 (1-7)
  • <HOUR> = 2 digit hour, in 24 hour military format (00-23)
  • <MINUTE> = 2 digit minute (00-59)
  • <SECOND> = 2 digit second (00-59)
  • <UTCTIMEZONE> = ID from Timezone Lookup Table (2 digits, 01-40)
  • <NTP_SYNC> = Whether or not to sync to a time server.
  • <NTP_SERVER_ID> = The time server that the unit should syncing to. Refer to list below.

Available time server IDs:

  • 1 =
  • 2 =
  • 3 =
  • 4 =
  • 5 =
  • 6 =
  • 7 =




  • 100 = Invalid UTC Timezone
  • 100 = Invalid Date
  • 100 = Invalid Time

SPC - Serial Port Configuration

The SPC command is used to configure the RS232 settings for the on-board serial ports.
For the 2 on-board bi-directional RS232 ports, follow the protocol documentation for on-board serial ports.
For the one way (transmit only) RS232 port functionality of the onboard IR ports, use the same protocol documentation as the on-board bi-directional RS232 ports, but replace SOL or CFX CFLink target data with IRX.


  • <YEAR> = 4 digit year.
  • <MONTH> = 2 digit month (01-12).
  • <DATE> = 2 digit day (01-31).
  • <DAYOFWEEK> = 1 digit day of week. Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7 (1-7)
  • <HOUR> = 2 digit hour, in 24 hour military format (00-23)
  • <MINUTE> = 2 digit minute (00-59)
  • <SECOND> = 2 digit second (00-59)
  • <UTCTIMEZONE> = ID from Timezone Lookup Table (2 digits, 01-40)
  • <NTP_SYNC> = Whether or not to sync to a time server.
  • <NTP_SERVER_ID> = The time server that the unit should syncing to. Refer to list below.

Available time server IDs:

  • 1 =
  • 2 =
  • 3 =
  • 4 =
  • 5 =
  • 6 =
  • 7 =



Transmission Messages

SND - Send Data

The SND (Send) command allows you to send data to a specific communication slot defined on the Solo.


  • <SLOT#> = The communication slot number to send data to. Known as the 'target slot'. Range of 1 to 5.
  • <DATA> = The actual data to send to the target slot. Hex bytes should be defined in \xFF format. eg. A carriage return is written as \x0D




  • 100 = Invalid Slot Number

Timezone Lookup Table

  • 01 - UTC-1200
  • 02 - UTC-1100
  • 03 - UTC-1000
  • 04 - UTC-930
  • 05 - UTC-900
  • 06 - UTC-800
  • 07 - UTC-700
  • 08 - UTC-600
  • 09 - UTC-500
  • 10 - UTC-430
  • 11 - UTC-400
  • 12 - UTC-330
  • 13 - UTC-300
  • 14 - UTC-200
  • 15 - UTC-100
  • 16 - UTC-0
  • 17 - UTC+100
  • 18 - UTC+200
  • 19 - UTC+300
  • 20 - UTC+330
  • 21 - UTC+400
  • 22 - UTC+430
  • 23 - UTC+500
  • 24 - UTC+530
  • 25 - UTC+545
  • 26 - UTC+600
  • 27 - UTC+630
  • 28 - UTC+700
  • 29 - UTC+800
  • 30 - UTC+845
  • 31 - UTC+900
  • 32 - UTC+930
  • 33 - UTC+1000
  • 34 - UTC+1030
  • 35 - UTC+1100
  • 36 - UTC+1130
  • 37 - UTC+1200
  • 38 - UTC+1245
  • 39 - UTC+1300
  • 40 - UTC+1400
hardware/cflink/solo-cflink-protocol.1435892295.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/03 02:58 by jarrod